Editorial Initiatives

A few examples

Doctor's Life

Doctor's Life, Sky channel 440, is the first channel of scientific dissemination and information for doctors, pharmacists and dentists who subscribe to satellite TV.

Doctor's Life represents the future of medical training and information.

In fact, in addition to the medical and scientific information of Adnkronos Salute and the areas for in-depth analyses and debate, it is also possible to follow CME distance training courses (Continuing Medical Education) for doctors.


With an average of 2.5 million unique users per month, Adnkronos.com is one of the most visited sites for information in Italy.

Thanks to specific agreements, on the occasion of events or for a more in-depth analysis of a particular topic, it is possible to create a multimedia information special, that is, a dedicated space on the site accessed from the home page (and from any other page of the site) through a personalized launch in the "Featured" section. The special stays on-line for an agreed period of time (depending on the topic and content, also for a few months) and is fed with journalistic content produced by Adnkronos.

The Book of Facts

The book, adapted for the Italian public, is the updated version of the American best-seller, the World Almanac, which comprehensively presents the year's main events in summary form. In addition to tens of thousands of news stories, thousands of photos, quizzes, tables and statistics, the Book of Facts offers an information special each year on a different subject.

The volume is aimed at a wide target, both professional users and consumers, with a vast distribution network that is constantly enriched with new partnerships (besides the historical partnership with Autogrill (motorway restaurants) and bookshops, we must also include Poste Italiane with its own extensive network throughout the country; new prestigious agreements for distribution in places frequented by large numbers of people are also being drawn up).

Every year, the Book of Facts also records a vast distribution in both paper format (over 400,000 copies) and digital format (eBooks - Apps: over 15,000 downloads), with an impressive communication campaign on the traditional media (agencies, TV, radio, web) and on social networks where Adnkronos boasts a strong presence.